Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tulsa Workshop

Presented some lesson ideas at the Tulsa Workshop this afternoon with my mom.  Theola Souter and Jan Conway were there too.  The three of us have taught together a long time.  My Aunt Earline was there as well.  Hopefully, this session will result in short and long term blessings to children.

Here are a few of the opening slides:

Friday, March 25, 2011

Fruit of the Spirit Song - Tune and Lyrics

Fruit of the Spirit Song  -- Click the link on the left.  Then click the arrow in this section of the page you will see:

Video on You Tube:

Fruit of the Spirit Song Lyrics
The Fruit of the Spirit's not an *apple,
The Fruit of the Spirit's not an apple.
If you want to be an apple, you might as well hear it,
You can't be a Fruit of the Spirit.

The Fruit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control.

* Sing additional verses with different fruit.

Note:  I didn't write this song and don't know who did.  I have heard it for years. I searched online trying to see who may have written it, and ran across the video above.  You don't have to use a guitar.  Don't let that stress you!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Job: Praise the Lord at ALL Times

Job Song
Tune:  Skip to My Lou

Praise, Praise, Praise the Lord  (Sing 3 x)
Praise the Lord at ALL times.

Your camels are stolen, what do you do? (Sing 3 x)
Praise the Lord at ALL times.

Your oxen are stolen, what do you do?  (Sing 3 x)
Praise the Lord at ALL times.

Your donkeys are stolen, what do you do?  (Sing 3 x)
Praise the Lord at ALL times.

*Sores all over, what do you do?  (Sing 3 x)
Praise the Lord at ALL times.

Application verses:
Your dolls are lost, what do you do? (Sing 3 x)
Praise the Lord at ALL times.

Your cars are all gone, what do you do? (Sing 3 x)
Praise the Lord at ALL times.

1) Make up other application verses as needed.
2) Use pictures or toys with these verses.
*When we tell the story, I use a small plastic "man" as Job.  There are sores all over him -- bottom of his feet, in his hair, on his ears, etc.  (Magic marker sores.)  I also have a miniature doll plate that is plastic and broken in half.  We talk about how Job hurt so bad that he scraped his skin with broken pottery.  (Job 2:8)  The kids can take turns scraping Job with the plastic plate.

Audacity versus Appreciation, part 2

In Jonah 4, Jonah starts out by telling God that the reason he didn't want to work for God in the first place was because God was compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love, and slow to send calamity. Jonah needs to say that aloud and listen to himself! He just described the God I would WANT to follow. He doesn't make sense.

God gives Jonah a tiny demonstration on entitlement. God gave the vine. God could take it back. Jonah didn't "deserve" it. He wasn't entitled to it. Jonah did appreciate the vine while he had it -- well, he was happy about it. I don't know if he thanked God.

What all has God given us that we are happy about? What all has he given us that we take for granted?! These are all blessings we need to be thankful for and give thanks for. When they are gone, how gracious can we be? How can we translate this attitude to kids?

Monday, February 14, 2011


Jackie, the lady I work with, has a little granddaughter named Caroline. Caroline's mom was telling her about Jesus and his mother Mary. Caroline asked her mom if they could come over to their house.

Audacity versus Appreciation, Jonah 4

Jonah was not pleased with the way God was doing things. Jonah was angry with God! Jonah had a temper tantrum saying, "I'd rather die than live." Jonah went east of the city, made himself a little shelter, and sat back to watch and see what would happen to the city. God was compassionate toward Jonah and provided a vine for Jonah to have better shade. Jonah loved that vine.

The next morning God had a worm kill the vine and caused a scorching wind and the sun to blaze down on Jonah. Jonah was angry enough to die -- again.

God explained a few things to Jonah. 1) Jonah didn't do anything to deserve the vine. God provided it. God could take it away too. 2) Jonah didn't have his priorities straight. He was more concerned about "his" vine and personal comfort than the 120,000 people in Ninevah. Even their cows were more important than that vine!